If you are looking to cut down your energy bills or even just give your new home a lift, replacing your old windows is a great place to start.
Many older buildings, such as the tenement flats in lots of Scottish cities, have been standing for at least 100 years. In these cases, it is likely the existing windows will be of the wooden sash and case variety that was the standard construction method back then. Replacing like with like can be expensive given the craftsmanship that goes into hand-making frames from wood.
However, an alternative is uPVC sash windows, which have the benefit of the traditional appearance but is less painful on the pocket. Doors are a source of energy loss and can be replaced to match the new windows. An added bonus is that most will also come with the latest security features.
Security is high on everyone’s agenda these days. uPVC and composites are usually more intruder-proof than ordinary wooden windows and doors. But you can also choose additional measures to enhance security even further. Mechanisms such as shootbolts, hooklocks and multi-point locking systems can be built into each frame to maximise security.
Environmentally friendly
You’ll also be helping the environment if your installation company takes the old uPVC frames for recycling to make other plastic products. This means they won’t be clogging up landfill sites and the new products can be made using less energy and without depleting the earth’s natural resources. It is also a fact that uPVC windows can be recycled up to 10 times without degrading the product.
Alistair Mack of Edinburgh Glass and Glazing says, “One of the main benefits of uPVC is that it will never rot, it will never need painting or repainting and will go on looking as good as new with the occasional wipe down and a spot of oil here and there.”
Heat retention
Modern windows provide excellent heat retention which saves on your heating bills. Such is the standard of modern manufacturing techniques, you can even choose the level of heat you want to retain by looking at the Window Energy Rating label attached to all new windows. Heat-retaining ‘Low Emissivity’ glass offers benefits if you are replacing existing double glazing. Double or even triple glazing can also be ‘gas-filled’ with argon gas in the cavity for even better heat retention and noise reduction, meaning the impact of busy roads, noisy neighbours and barking dogs can be eliminated.
Modern windows and glass have come a long way in a short time. Don’t be put off by out of date conventions, there is plenty of benefit in investigating the options yourself.